Support Blog

To Burp or Not to Burp?

Do you need to burp your babies with each feed?  The current culture has most parents believing they do.  Let discuss the backdrop of this idea and when you may need to help your baby get out an air bubble.

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To Pump or Not to Pump?

I get more questions about pumping than almost anything else.  I have come to conclude that pumping has taken on a loaded role in our society. This can come with many presumptions and potential manipulations.  Is there a time when

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Feeding Cues

Every time I present my class to expectant parents I ask this question, “How do you know when a baby is hungry?”  I have yet to give a class where the common answer isn’t “crying.” I then go on to

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Getting More Sleep

Contrary to fad thinking about baby sleep, which could put building a secure attachment with your baby at risk, there are many natural, biologically appropriate strategies that promote both a secure attachment and maximize nighttime sleep.  Babies’ bodies work on

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Please NO Feed, Wake, Sleep Schedules

Let’s talk about normal baby sleep.  Babies have a 24 hour circadian rhythm just like adults.  However, when they are born, they often have their days and nights swapped.  The reason for this is that babies are often lulled to

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Is My Baby Getting Enough

Do any of you as new parents worry that your breastfed baby is not ‘getting enough’? Has the culture of our time made you numbers and data preoccupied, and you have been told you need to see a quantity enter

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Contact Dr. Danielle Sharon