Zero Crying Sleep Solutions for Infants and Toddlers

Support your baby’s natural biological rhythms.  Utilizing the rigorously researched NDC approach to infant and toddler sleep, I help you work with your baby’s biology, not against it. The NDC program is the evidenced-based alternative to sleep training.  This approach was developed by Pamela Douglas, M.D., IBCLC and shown to be effective in a variety of university studies.

We work together on resetting your little one’s sleep patterns, so that nights get easier and more manageable. We look at your child’s day time activity and maximize sensory input.  I share with you the research based concept of sleep pressure and circadian rhythms, which are essential for healthy sleep.

I focus on nurturing the emotional bond you have developed with your baby and protecting your baby’s secure attachment, which is vital throughout childhood and beyond.

Danielle Sharon, Psy.D., IBCLC

Expert in baby sleep

Dr. Sharon has been a Clinical Psychologist for over 20 years, and an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 2014.  She is one of the very few accredited NDC practitioners in the United States and has helped families throughout the U.S. and in Canada, Europe, and Australia.  She focuses on helping parents identify circadian rhythms and teaches them the concepts of sleep pressure and working to maximize nighttime sleep.  This approach involves no crying or leaving babies to fend for themselves.  It facilitates building a secure attachment between parents and children, where babies and toddlers can trust that their parents will come to them when they call.  Dr. Sharon is passionate, committed, and invested in her clients and helping them thrive as a family.

Contact Dr. Danielle Sharon